National conference on tourism in 2023

In the morning of March 15, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the 2023 National Conference on Tourism with the theme “Promoting recovery – accelerating development”. Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, and Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung, co-chaired the conference. Also attending were leaders of ministries, branches, central and local agencies; representatives of associations, tourism businesses, airlines, experts, and media agencies.

The Prime Minister presides over the national tourism conference.

Reporting at the conference, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung said that in 2020 and 2021, despite being heavily impacted by the pandemic; However, Vietnam’s tourism development capacity index is still increasing among the three countries with the highest level of improvement in the world.

From November 2021, Vietnam has piloted to welcome international tourists and officially opened the tourism industry completely from March 15, 2022, an important turning point to promote a strong and vibrant recovery of tourism. Also, domestic tourism.

These are vivid evidence of the development of Vietnam’s tourism, reinforcing confidence in the strong recovery and development in the coming period. Tourism has increasingly affirmed its important position in socio-economic development; contributes to job creation, hunger eradication, poverty alleviation, and social security assurance; preserves and promotes cultural values; environmental protection; maintains national defense and security and affirms the image, position and prestige of Vietnam in the international arena.

However, the tourism industry still has limitations, such as international visitors to Vietnam in the pre-COVID-19 period. Despite the rapid growth, the number of arrivals is still lower than in some countries in the region; The rate of returning international tourists is not high.

Despite being a country that opened up to tourism early, Vietnam’s rate of international visitors in 2022 compared to 2019 is lower than that of other countries in the region. According to a report by the Tourism Advisory Council, Vietnam’s post-COVID-19 tourism recovery index only reached 18.1%, the lowest in the region.

In general, the development of Vietnam’s tourism industry is not commensurate with its potential and advantages. It is not sustainable, its competitiveness is not high, and it faces many big challenges, such as globalization and deep international integration. Especially, the Fourth Industrial Revolution poses many new challenges and difficulties, requiring innovative thinking, new approaches and new ways of doing things to develop the tourism industry.

Speaking at the conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that this is a very important conference and was directed to prepare early with a lot of expectations about the recovery and breakthrough development of tourism. and thereby actively contribute to the development of directly related industries and fields, as well as the country’s socio-economic development in general.

The Prime Minister said that since the national conference on tourism in 2020, the tourism industry had experienced two difficult years, suffering heavy damage due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. Faced with that heavy impact, the Government has issued many policies and taken timely support measures to reduce difficulties and damage to businesses and employees, especially the motto of safe, flexible adaptation and effective disease control.

Exactly 1 year ago, on March 15, 2022, when the COVID-19 epidemic was controlled quite firmly, we decided to reopen tourism activities completely, completely lift entry restrictions, and welcome visitors. internationally earlier than many countries in Southeast Asia. This is an important turning point for socio-economic recovery.

With great efforts and efforts of the tourism industry, under the leadership of the Party, management and administration of the State, the participation of the whole political system, the companionship and support of the community. businesses and people, in 2022, Vietnam’s tourism market will be gradually restored.

However, many of our countries, markets and traditional tourism partners are still experiencing complicated epidemics and have to take measures to limit entry and exit. In addition, the negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made our country’s tourism difficult, especially in attracting international tourists.

Vietnam is expected to be in the top 30 countries regarding tourism competitiveness.

After listening to the comments and concluding the meeting, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh pointed out the favorable opportunities as well as the difficulties and challenges. In the coming time, the Prime Minister requested tourism development must be put in general with socio-economic development as a spearhead economic sector. and other fields, making an important contribution to the formation of a modern economic structure with new thinking and innovative ways of doing things, shifting from “providing what we have” to “providing what customers need”; from “one-season” tourism to sustainable tourism, attracting tourists to return again and again.

Tourism development is the common responsibility of the whole political system, all levels, branches and the whole society under the close leadership and direction of the Party committees at all levels and the unified management of the State, strongly promoting the driving role of businesses and residential communities.

To develop tourism in the direction of safe, green, clean, civilized, modern, and attractive, upholding Vietnam’s tourism culture; develop both breadth and depth on the basis of taking advantage of and promoting distinct potentials, outstanding opportunities and competitive advantages associated with environmental protection, natural resources, culture, traditions, and beauty. Vietnamese people and country. Do not sacrifice progress, social justice, and the environment in exchange for mere economic growth.

Focusing on developing tourism products that are diverse, rich, unique and unique, of high quality and of great added value; has just developed popular, popular, mass, low-cost tourism along with single, especially luxury tourism for high-income people. Promote and improve the efficiency of linkages and form tourism value chains; ensure harmonization of interests between the State, people and businesses.

Tourism development in Vietnam must be placed in the overall tourism development of the world and the region, with high connectivity, mutual support, and at the same time, being proactive in dealing with unexpected and unexpected situations. Tourism development in the new period must focus on professionalism and modernity, according to international standards, but also diversity, uniqueness, and uniqueness; steadfast in its goals but must be very flexible, adaptive, innovative, creative, and closely associated with the digital transformation process.

Regarding the motto of action and key tasks, the Prime Minister pointed out three specific tasks to continue renewing and raising awareness and thinking about tourism development, ensuring tourism development in a methodical and professional manner. industry, with long-term planning and orientation on the basis of extensive research and integration with the development of the tourism industry in developed countries around the world.

To develop tourism comprehensively and extensively in order to make the most of internal resources, effectively mobilize and use external forces, closely link and promote the process of improving synergy, continue to improve tourism competitiveness, and gradually build, establish and position Vietnam’s tourism brand.

Accelerate, and take more drastic action to create breakthroughs in tourism development. Considering businesses and people as subjects, tourists are the centre of tourism activities, quickly grasping new tourism trends and orienting business opportunities for tourism businesses.


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